Ebola Global Pandemic is on the Run!!
Wow!! Ebola is here and where did it come from?? Hmmm...Africa.
They thought the Lethal Ebola Virus was isolated and now they are looking at 7 major airports. It is GOING TO SPREAD and hopefully not for very long!!
So the question is, is how to protect your family? Being a Mother of 4, I am always worried, almost Alpha Neurotic on how to protect my children.
I've learned a lot in the last couple of decades and I would LOVE to share my information with you. These are inexpensive options that probably your Pediatrician or Doctor won't tell you!
#1 Purchase some Colloidal Silver - right NOW!!
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https://qualityoilswholesale.com/collections/frontpage/products/integrative-colloidal-silver-10-ppm-8-oz-spray-bottle ~~~ I learned some time ago from an older, wiser Country Woman on how to save someone with Pneumonia. That someone was my Father. He was sent home to die in 2010 of Pneumonia at the age of 81. You could see DEATH in his EYES. Thank God! I knew of the Colloidal Silver and knew to have him Nebulize it. Sure enough in 2 days, my Father was up on his feet and the look of Death was GONE! I know Colloidal Silver saved his life!! Make sure you take a Spray Bottle with you on any Public Transportation such as Airplane flights, trains, buses, subways, etc. |
~~~Google Cavities and Colloidal Silver!! You will be AMAZED!!
Now you ask, what does this have to do with say Ebola, or other scary viruses or infections?
Did you know that the Pharmaceutical Group wanted to have Colloidal Silver BANNED and labeled as a Pesticide!! LOL! Why! Because it HEALS, because it SAVES!
There have been studies on Silver for over 30 years. The EPA approved claims stating that Colloidal Silver has a 30-second kill time and a 24-hour residual kill time on standard indicator bacteria,
a 10-minute kill time on fungi,
a 30-second kill time on HIV Type I,
and a 10-minute kill time on other viruses.
WOW!! What other product have you ever heard of that comes even CLOSE to doing this?? So go buy a BOTTLE NOW!!A TWO MINUTE KILL TIME ON MRSE - EXTREMELY RESISTANT KILLER BACTERIA
a 10-minute kill time on fungi,
a 30-second kill time on HIV Type I,
and a 10-minute kill time on other viruses.
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#2 Thieves Spray comes 2nd to Colloidal Silver.... https://qualityoilswholesale.com/products/frankincense-essential-oil-15-ml?
Back in the 1400's during the Bubonic Plague there were 4 Thieves that went from home to home of the dying and dead to steal them of all their Worldly Goods. The Authorities knew of these Thieves but were puzzled as to how they kept from catching the Deadly Bubonic Virus. So when they caught the Thieves, they demanded to know how and what they used to avoid the Plague, then they killed them.
So the Now Famous Thieves Oil, trademarked by Young Living, which how the heck can you trademark History?? is made up of Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary. You can use the Spray or you can put in a Diffuser. I do both at times.
#3 Stock up on Echinacea and start feeding it to your Family.....
If you build up your Immune System, then you will have an Army to help fight any Viruses. You MUST build up your Immune System to protect against any Ebola that might be lurking or even Colds, Infections and Flus. Go to your local Health Food Store and pick up a bottle today!
#4 Vitamin C, Selenium, Vitamin D and Selenium help boost your Immune System...
So go stock up. I like the Vitamin C powder that you mix in water. I personally like to do about 1 to 2,000 a day. Vitamin D, when you live North of Madison, WI, you will need at least 4,000 IUs. Not many people realize that. We buy the 10,000 units and take about 4 a week for adults.
#5 Wear disposable gloves when going out shopping or out in Stores....
You can buy a box of 100 disposable clear gloves at the store for under $5. They aren't really noticeable and when you just throw them away.
#6 Keep lots of Kleenex on hand especially when your little ones have Colds....
This keeps their hands off their face. Hands that touch the mouth, nose, eyes and ears spread the viruses and germs more rapidly.
#7 Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables - Learn the Dirty Dozen
Did you know that APPLES, much like in Snow White, are the Most DEADLIEST in the Grocery Stores. So many think that they are helping their family to be healthy by buying store bought Apples but fact is you are only dragging them closer and quicker to the Chemo Lines.
#8 Grass Fed Beef is the BEST!!
We buy our cow by the 1/4 and it is Grass Fed. Just so much better for you without all the contamination, pesticides and GMO!
#9 Learn about GMO and Monsanto!!!
The Do's and Don'ts will save your LIFE and Future Generations from all kinds of dysfunctional Health that stems from Genetically Modified Organisms. DO NOT BUY Farm Raised FISH! Do NOT BUY Beet SUGAR! And many others. Take the time and do your Protection Homework!! Your family will thank you!
#10 Get a Nebulizer Today!
This goes back up to the Colloidal Silver. It is life saving protection. Period! We find ours on local garage sale sites.
To date there have been over 600 people who have died from Ebola Worldwide.
Don't be afraid, just GET SMART!
Get Prepared!