Are you one of those MOMs or DADs out there that grabs a can of mosquito spray and doesn't think twice about the ingredients?? Well, I am here to tell you! Take a good LOOK and if the bottle says DEET, R-U-N!! And please don't put that on your little ones!
DEET chemical name (N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide)
40% of Americans use DEET yearly, nearly 200 million people!!
Up to 56% of DEET enters through the skin
17% is absorbed into the bloodstream within 2 hours.
Deet affects the central nervous system
muscle co-ordination
learning and memory dysfunction.
DEET combined with ethyl and isopropyl alcohols, and Freon are more dangerous when combined. Look at your DEET Repellant and you'll see these are the ingredients on the label. Meaning if you spray that on yourself or children you are in DEEP trouble!
The EPA made it lawful in 1998 to put labeling for application on children! The EPA said it is SAFE to put 10% DEET on your children! That's like saying how much RAT POISONING is SAFE TO EAT????
Made of 8 ESSENTIAL OILS. 4 oz. bottle with sprayer/cap. Ret for $8.95
We live in the NorthwOOds where small animals have been seen carried away by our Monster Size Skeeters!!
If you'd like to order one just email me at econobrainer@yahoo.com and I'll give you 20% if you mention our econobrainer blog!:) Thanks!
If you'd like to order one just email me at econobrainer@yahoo.com and I'll give you 20% if you mention our econobrainer blog!:) Thanks!